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How much weight is too much for ballroom dancing?
Posted by Mom4xs
4/30/2012  12:01:00 PM
I have loved ballroom dancing since Juliet Prowse hosted Championship Ballroom daning in the '80s. I am now a wife and mother of 4 boys (23, 21, 16, and 10) and I still love ballroom dancing and still want to try it. But I just wonder if I am too big; currently about 220. I believe ballroom dancing could help me in that particular area, but I just don't know how or if I am too late now. I would love to hear from you on this. It will sort of "make it or break it" for me. thank you.
Re: How much weight is too much for ballroom danci
Posted by belleofyourball
4/30/2012  12:28:00 PM
Go for it and have a good time. Dancing is a great way to lose the weight and not even realize you are doing it. I know lots of ladies in your size range who dance and dance very well.
Re: How much weight is too much for ballroom danci
Posted by ballroomchick
4/30/2012  12:31:00 PM
Ballroom dancing is a GREAT way to lose weight and get active again! I've seen a few gals that must be close to 300# out on the competition floor. There is no real weight limit, it's what YOU can do.

If your going back to social dancing I wouldn't suggest you try to dance every single dance to start off. Take it easy at first and build up staying on the floor longer.
Re: How much weight is too much for ballroom danci
Posted by sbrnsmith
5/1/2012  5:23:00 AM
Dancing is for people of all ages and weights. That is the great thing about ballroom dancing. Don't let your weight hold you back. I am 120 lbs, but have often watched women that dance so well and I wish I could be like them, that weigh more than me. I hope you don't give up. With your children being older, this is a great time to do something for yourself.Good luck!
Re: How much weight is too much for ballroom danci
Posted by OZ.
5/1/2012  2:18:00 AM
Morm4xs. I still have a tape of that competition from Madison Square Gardens.
The Professional Modern was won by Michael Barr and the Latin Sammy Stopford.Both Both are still teaching. About the weight. keep going. I partnered a lady of about your weight in a class just recently. She was as light as a feather.
Mainly because she knew the steps and didnt wait to be pulled or pushed into position.
Re: How much weight is too much for ballroom danci
Posted by dancewithu2
5/4/2012  3:27:00 AM
One thing people failed to mention yet is seeing your doctor first.
Also if you do see a doctor mention any old injuries.
Someon said try different dance. Good idea! Other than ballroom there is salsa and swing to mention a couple. I see many women your size in social dances for those too.

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